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Does your business name contribute to your bottom line | Ep 04

By June 3, 2020 Podcast
In this week’s episode, there’s no special guest, it’s me your host, Hannah Statham.
In this episode I discuss:
  • Why you should market through a crisis, rather than hibernate
  • How to strike the right tone when it comes to communicating with your customers
  • What pitfalls you should avoid when communicating in a crisis
I’m so excited to share this episode with you. At the time of recording, we are in the middle of COVID-19 and so many small businesses have been in touch with this very question, so the timing couldn’t be more perfect.
Although we know COVID-19 is just one example of crisis communication, the tips in this podcast are applicable for other natural disasters.
If you’d like more information you can find the show notes at mediamortar.com.au/contentious
You can also read our five point action plan we’re sharing with clients for activity you can include in your marketing through a crisis: https://old.mediamortar.com.au/blogs/